parenting have you turned around & upside down?

the great relate is your ready-to-equip compass for the neverending journey.

(scroll down to find your true north.)




Hahahahahaha. Parenting.

There we were, minding our own business and merrily burying all our painful past junk in busy-ness, when out of nowhere — BAM! A tiny human appears who needs us to literally survive.

To grow. To evolve. To sustain. To succeed.

And as a cute bonus, these tiny humans are also exceptionally good at bringing out all the B.S. in ourselves we’ve worked so hard at keeping hidden & dormant.

it’s understandably really damn daunting.

About | The Great Relate | Life Coach for Parents & Teens | Parent Resource | Professional Certified Coach

 but here’s the thing.

we will never be perfect parents.

We will never be perfect parents. (Yeah, i’m saying it twice, because it’s that important.)

And once you let yourself break out of the idea that there’s one “right” way, you tap into new freedom and power.

After all, since we’ll never be perfect, we can finally be present.

If we can get out of the old stories in our heads, we can finally get into a space where reactivity and stress aren’t our default ways of being.

If we can catch (and end) the patterns that keep us feeling stuck as parents — and people — we can be with our families and have it feel goooood.


Hi! I’m Lara.

the most impressive people pleaser you’ve ever seen.

Or at least, I used to be.

Growing up smack-dab in the middle of my siblings, squeaking by in a middle class, normally-dysfunctional family, smiles were my currency.

My teen brain had talked itself into one core belief: If I pretended everything was fine, then it must be.

Standing awkwardly at 5’11 & feeling like a bean pole with a head plopped on top, I drowned myself in baggy clothes and tried to sink slowly & unnoticed into any nearby hedge.

Don’t get me wrong — my parents loved the hell out of me, but we all know parenting is hard, and love alone doesn’t always cut through the loneliness.

School was a nightmare, simply because I had to sweat, cry, and stress over every single accomplishment I accumulated.

Nothing ever seemed to come easy, and I constantly felt like I was falling short. (Being so tall, I’m sure you see the humor in this.)

About | The Great Relate | Life Coach for Parents & Teens | Parent Resource | Professional Certified Coach

Just by the nature of being human, we’re all wildly underqualified to raise another person.

And yet, we’re thrown into it anyways. Luckily, there are tools & techniques that simplify the circus.

My work delivers the sound guidance and tangible strategies you can use right now to lay the foundation for you & your family.

Let me show you how much ease can exist when you address the hard stuff head-on. (Don’t worry, I’m here to be your helmet.)

About | The Great Relate | Life Coach for Parents & Teens | Parent Resource | Professional Certified Coach

until my twenties, I was simply who everyone else wanted me to be.

My personal identity, personality, and beliefs were built by my parents, friends, and boyfriends who were pleasantly passing by. And the second I landed at college — and had agency to explore my life — was the instant I started to unravel.

I’d always felt outrageously alone, but suddenly the isolation meant that I quickly gained 40 pounds, starting drinking and kicking up drama with my paramours, fell into a deep depression hole, and had no effing idea what I wanted to do after graduation.

As an adult (or so they say), I realize now that this is the normal, standardized pain of growing up as a whole human in the world.

Recognizing the universal struggle made me passionate about teaching teens to find their own unique flavor of independence, resilience, and values.

Beyond that, I realized how much of our teen selves seep into our attempts to be good parents. (Or even passably decent parents, depending on the day.)

About | The Great Relate | Life Coach for Parents & Teens | Parent Resource | Professional Certified Coach

the qualifications i acquired trying to prove to myself i’m competent:

Masters Degree in Counseling
National Louis University | 2011

Bachelors Degree in Psychology
Purdue University | 1993

Co-Active Training Institute
Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) 2012

Certified Practitioner of Conscious Parenting Coaching Method ™
Conscious Coaching Institute

Academic Life Coach Certification
Academic Life Coaching | 2014

Professional Certified Coach (PCC)
International Coaching Federation |
2016 - 2022

*P.S. Of course I’m proud of all these fancy accolades, but it’s not a comprehensive rolodex of what makes the work we do exceptionally effective.

About | The Great Relate | Life Coach for Parents & Teens | Parent Resource | Professional Certified Coach

the work we do isn’t really about your kid.

it’s about you.

who you are, what you want, the ways you cope, and the connections you create.

About | The Great Relate | Life Coach for Parents & Teens | Parent Resource | Professional Certified Coach
About | The Great Relate | Life Coach for Parents & Teens | Parent Resource | Professional Certified Coach
About | The Great Relate | Life Coach for Parents & Teens | Parent Resource | Professional Certified Coach

together, let’s tackle the b.s. that’s holding you back.

this looks a little something like helping you recognize, manage & overcome:

Anxiety & Worry Patterns, Body Talk, Self-Avoidance & Distractions, Overbearing Thoughts, Deep Guilt, and Helplessness.

hey. Everything you’re feeling is normal. and it’s time for a new way of operating.
